International Women's Day: Celebrating Women in Construction

照片 -  CRD领导妇女

图片:CRD领导团队的妇女(从左到右):Teri McDermott(共同所有人/首席执行官),Leslie Eiler(设计经理),Michelle Woods(Busines Operations Manager)和Jenny Zimmerman(营销经理)。

You may have heard some of the buzz around “International Women’s Day”, celebrated annually on March 8th around the world, but did you know there’s also a “Women in Construction” week? This year, we’re taking a moment to honor CRD’s female employees who contribute to our company’s welcoming and diverse culture while also bringing a level of expertise that helps CRD excel in the design-build remodeling field.


The first International Women's Day (IWD) celebration took place in 1911. It wasn't until 1913 that it was officially decided that IWD would be held on March 8th. Millions of men and women all around the world come together every year on this day to celebrate the achievements of women and to bring awareness to the inequality they face.

Today we reflect on the extraordinary women who help make CRD one of the industry-leading remodelers!


没有内部配额可以为妇女雇用,而是在CRD Design Build,我们专注于资格和专业知识。我们雇用的女性是她们角色的最佳候选人。CRD有26名员工,其中10名是女性(38%)。一个在野外工作,办公室里的九项工作;妇女占据了七人公司领导团队的四个职位。根据OSHA进行的一项研究,2010年,有80万名妇女在建筑行业工作。

At CRD, we focus solely on qualifications and expertise whenever we’re looking to fill a role, which has resulted in 26 full-time employees who help us fulfill our company passion of “Finding the potential in people and spaces.”

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Compared to most remodeling firms in the country, CRD’s female-to-male mix is much higher than average. According toOSHA的最新统计数据, only 9% of the United States construction workers are women (including both administrative positions and field positions.) When you look at the makeup of CRD’s workforce, currently, 38% of our staff are women and 62% are men. When focusing on just our seven-person leadership team, over half of the members (57%) are women.

Meet our leaders



Image: Teri McDermott - CEO

我们的共同所有者兼首席执行官特里·麦克德莫特(Teri McDermott)在CRD工作了十多年,然后才进入当前的领导职务。她只有13%的妇女拥有的建筑公司,她是一个非常独特的细分市场的一员,这有助于CRD为房主提供另一种类型的改建公司。

除了监督CRD的业务操作s and staff, Teri also conducts personal discovery calls, where she meets with homeowners to review their remodeling goals.


Image: Michelle (Shelley) Woods - Business Operations Manager

米歇尔·伍兹(Michelle Woods)负责监督CRD的业务运营,从财务和技术到员工福利和日常办公室管理。米歇尔(Michelle)将她目前的CRD财务知识带入了所有领导力讨论,以及“努力工作,努力工作”的CRD文化价值。


Image: Leslie Eiler - Design Manager

莱斯利·埃勒(Leslie Eiler)是领导团队中最年轻的成员,并且是ProreModeler国家“ 40岁以下40岁”奖的最新冠军。Leslie oversees CRD’s in-house design and architectural team and has a gift for creating and implementing clear and helpful processes to keep things moving along efficiently, especially during a pandemic when long lead and permit wait-times impact the remodeling process and our clients in a whole new way.

图片:Jenny Zimmerman-营销经理

Jenny Zimmerman works hard to maintain the CRD branding and all public-facing messaging. Aside from keeping up with our socials, she focuses on making our client experience effortless by creating online resources like our pricing guides, portfolios, and other downloadable PDFs. She strives to make our clients feel valued by sending holiday cards and creating individual gift baskets to be given when a project has been completed. Jenny’s event coordination and planning has brought many fun experiences to our community with more to come in the future!

In the field

图片:Kalia Krichko-项目经理

每个CRD重塑项目均由项目经理管理,该项目经理负责所有分包商协调,调度,客户端通信和现场项目详细信息。目前,Kalia Krichko是由三个团队组成的一部分,通过与客户,木匠和分包商紧密合作以使事情按计划进行。在任何一天,您都会在Jobsite上找到她的订单详细信息,或者与木匠一起浏览客户的新添加。她头脑清醒的思维和详尽的组织经常收到我们客户的好评。


Image:Starting from the top going left to right: Lucille Nicholson (Accounting Assistant), Kayla Bigsby (Client Development Specialist), Kalia Krichko (Project Manager), Leslie Eiler (Design Manager), Teri McDermott (Co-owner/CEO), Michelle Woods (Business Operations Manager), Jenny Zimmerman (Marketing Manager), Amy Moore (Senior Interior Designer), Lizzie Armstrong (Interior Designer), Kerby Fleurine (Interior Designer).

CRD Design Build已成为家庭改建领域的领导者已有40多年了。在那个时候,妇女带来了知识和才能,以帮助数百名房主实现重塑目标。今年,我们要感谢所有过去和现在的CRD女性,以帮助我们成长为一家公司并改善客户的家园。感谢您成为您,并帮助您使重塑过程变得有趣!

文章类别: Remodeling

